Check out our new Christian and Afro-Christian book, just published, as well as our recent German Reformed book.
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New low prices on Middle Atlantic & Great Lakes Congregational books.
Now just $10 each. (Originally sold for $55 and $35)
Praise from Margaret Bendroth, Former President of the American Society of Church History:
"Richard Taylor has, once again and for the eighth time, given researchers a tremendous gift, an index of over 4,000 Reformed Churches, from the earliest colonial settlements to the Twentieth Century. Those of us who have used his earlier works know that they are comprehensive, painstaking, and completely trustworthy, astonishingly accurate down to the last footnote. But Taylor is not just skilled in recording and documenting church lists -- he is also a wise and erudite scholar with a deep knowledge of American religious history. This volume, a magnum opus if ever there was one, is a must-have for libraries and archives, and anyone serious about understanding the inner workings of American church life."
An historical directory of over 4,000 congregations related to the German Reformed Church in the United States, including their founding dates, locations, names, judicatory relationships, current status and additional data. Included are summary histories of every Synod and Classis. About 1,300 references to Lutheran churches in union arrangements with Reformed Churches are cited. The book includes a history of the denomination's organizational structures, geographic spread, ethnic identities, and ecumenical relationships. Extensive bibliography, six maps, and twelve figures and illustrations are included. Indexed with a town and city directory.
"This book is truly awe-inspiring and is far and away the most comprehensive resource on our Reformed Churches I have ever seen." (David Ackerman, UCC Penn West Conference Minister)
Also featured in the book are the American Classes of the Reformed Church of Hungary that united with the Reformed Church in the United States in 1921. Their history, as well as that of other related Hungarian Reformed churches are discussed, including a map of their locations.
The 716 (+ viii) page book is a folio-sized paperback edition.
Annotated bibliography (2020)
​LCCN: 2020911601 ISBN: 978-0-9622486-8-9
only $35
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